Spirit Caravan "Elusive Truth"

(Tolotta Records)


I think all of you out there are familiar with bands like The obsessed and Unorthodox. If you are not then you better

get so. This bands are/were among the best in the heavy/doom scene, it would be very strange if not SPIRIT CARAVAN would

be as well since that band are made up by people from those bands. "Elusive truth" starts off with the song "Spirit Caravan" and

I think that that song is perfect to discribe what the band is about. This is heavy motherfucking rock at it´s best. And all parts

of the band is doin well, you can tell that they have been around for a while since even the simplest riffs are played with a

selfconfidence wich screams out, "hey we now what we´re doin, so don´t fuck with us". Another thing I like is the vocals,

often these real heavy band use either growling vocal or some kind of queerish angelic vocals. SPIRIT CARAVAN

hit bullseye with the vocals. Not the best technical singer maybe, but that´s not the point as long as it fit the rest of the music.

if you don´t have any SPIRIT CARAVAN records you should go and get them. And while you are looting every music retailer you

can think of get all The albums from The Obsessed as well.

"Jacob weed"