Lowrider "Ode to Io"
(Meteorcity/people like you)
Lowrider from Sweden are one of those bands that were featured on the today almost classic Meteorcity
compliation. Lowriders "Ode to Io" is an lesson in cool riffs but yet it lacks the punch and the sing a long melodies that for an example
bands like Kyuss had in their days. But this is Stoner rock by definition. My favourite song "Convoy IV" is a real great track, but I would love Lowrider
to speed up a little on their next album. But on the other hand it dosen´t get boring since they are a bunch of
great musicians. To be honest I haven´t checked the cover of the albums since my copy is a CD-R that
I got hold on from a friend. What I like most of the album
is the sound that these guys manage to get blastin´out of their guitars that together with the sound of the bass makes this album
well worth a listen(And a buy). But as I mentioned earlier I think they should try to speed up some songs a little,
but that´s my opinion, and how am I, just agoblin that like´s rock´n´roll, and I´m sure that Lowrider can do some real rock´n´rollish
songs if they want to!! And don´t worry I´ll buy a real copy of this album.
"The goblin"