Corrosion Of Conformity "LIVE Volume"
(Sanctuary Music/2001)
COC must be one of those bands that can do any thing and get away with it, I mean these guys
has been playing both old-school hardcore, thrash metal and the music that they play nowadays
wich can be discribed as a casquade of Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy and pure heavy metal.
I first heard COC back in the middle ´80 and liked them even then , the funny thing about COC is that they seems
to follow my own musical timeline, I did listen to a lot old school HC in the eigthies and when my taste did changed
COC changed, for the better each time. This is as you understand a livealbum so there isn´t much to review except
for the intense 77 min. show that these guys pull through in a great manner. Intense is a good word to discribe the album.
This 77 min. of pure joy and great music is one of live albums that people will remember for a long time I´m sure about that.
Songs included are among others "King of the rotten", "Clean my wounds", "My grain" and "Shelter".
"The Goblin"