The Chronicler is:
Mattias Nilsson from Souldivider
(Picture used by kind permisson from the owner)
"Ok, so I can´t write about music, or not allowed rather. So then the question is there anything
left to write about? Yes there is a lot, but does people in general care about my other interests
wich is religon, history and cosmoesoteric theorys, a few maybe but I don´t want to write any essay here
and things like esoteric theorys is more fun when you have a responding person instead of ms Words in front of you.
So I think I go for a subject that almost everyone and all can relate to. I guess that all of you sometimes have
felt an urge to get drunk?!? You must have othervise there is something terrible wrong going on in your DNA.
Now there is some anti-alcohol mutha screaming out-how can you say that! Well it´s simple fact. What does the
laws of evolution give us!? Well, one invents what one need. And one of the first things that mankind learnt to do
was to put crops in a clayjar filled with water and store the jar for a couple of weeks. How that must have tasted I think you all
can imagine, but yet the lucky bastard that did this for that first time drunk it all up -Why? Because his/her genes told
him to. I mean mankind was gettin drunk long before they invented the wheel and other kinds of infrastructure inventions.
I wonder who was the first to have a big party? A crop farmer from Uruk? A shitan Priest in Jerico? We will never know, but
one thing is for sure, there must be a reason for mankind to drink othervise these foregoers never would have passed on
the recipe for the "brew of the gods". When it comes to things like burning your hand on the cookingplates in your
kitchen you only do that once then you learn that it hurts! If you get stuck with your dick in the zipper of your trousers
you will be very careful the next time you zip up! But do you quit drinking after a terrible hungover? NO WAY!
I have wished thousands of times that I could trade my hungover for a cookinplate burnmark or some other
wound. I am 100% sure there is something in our genes that is programmed to keep us drinking no matter how terrible we
feel the day after. So there must be a reason why we run down to the liquorstore whenever we have a dime to spare.
Evolution sort out habits that dosen´t improve a certain species chances to evolve further. You can call it
evolution or call it "the will of God" but one thing is for sure humans are born drinkers.
So am I an Alcoholic who is trying to justifiy my uncontrollable drinking habits? No I am not, I´m just a God-fearing man
trying do follow the will of God, who is God anyway? That´s another story."