Blind Melon "Blind Melon"

(EMD/Capitol 1992)

(This review speaks for Soup and Nico as well)

I know this isn´t a new record but since I´m a huge Blind Melon fan I simply gotta do this review anyway. First of all

I just have to quote singer Shannon Hoon, he sings "My feet are shrinking in the sun-And it ain't fun". To a normal guy this

dosen´t make any sense and the late mr.Hoon is or rather was the only one that can/could get a way with it. The whole

album is full of such wierd lyrics but oh baby I like it. Blind Melon has always been put in the grunge genre

I don´t think that they belong there. The answer to why they ended up there is most likley because of that they rised early ´90´s and

were fromSeattle. Blind Melon´s music is filled with guitars and the guitardriven songs usally are the best, but my favourite is "No rain"

wich is not a "guitar" song it´s more a Shannon Hoon song. This is the kind of record where the song you listen to

at the moment is the one you think is the best. So it was pretty hard to pick "No rain" but that song stands out a

little than the other ones. As you all know the story ended October 23, 1995 when Shannon Hoon died of a Cocaine

overdose and not from heroine as a lot of people seems to believe. Behind Hoon did leave a little daughter no

more than three months old and a lot of grief, but the most important things in his legacy is three albums with

angelic vocals. Rest in piece.


"The Goblin"

